10 Bizarre Problems That Hit Entire Countries

10Norwegian Butter Crisis The Norwegian Butter Crisis of 2011 was an unfortunate combination of reduced supply and increased demand. Heavy summer rain was followed by a 20-percent rise in demand in October and 30 percent the following month. By mid-December, with Christmas approaching, the price of a pack of butter jumped to 300 Krone, or $50. Those who had butter took advantage. People began auctioning butter online, with a going rate of $100 for 450 grams (1 lb)....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1867 words · Teresa Ballard

10 Bizarre Stories Behind The Movies Of Alfred Hitchcock

10 North By Northwest Was Almost Filmed In Lincoln’s Nose North by Northwest, starring Cary Grant, almost had a very different ending. It’s the story of an advertising executive from New York who becomes the target of foreign spies. Convinced he works for the government, they give chase while he’s forced to dodge them at every turn. Mount Rushmore was one of the settings for the film, and you can’t get much more of an epic American setting than that....

February 8, 2023 · 12 min · 2372 words · Jay Dilley

10 Black Market Organ Trafficking Rings

10 Kosovo Crew In 2008, the hammer came down on an organ trafficking ring based in Kosovo. The organization lured victims from Eastern Europe and ex-Soviet states with false promises of money for their organs. They offered $20,000 per kidney, but most people received nothing. The racket sold organs for as much as $200,000 to clientele in Canada, the United States, and Israel. The operation was based out of the Medicus clinic in Pristana, Kosovo’s capital....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1523 words · James Pierce

10 Books Banned In The 21St Century

It’s hard to believe that books are still being banned in our current culture. Unfortunately, we haven’t moved past this type of censorship yet. This list takes a look at books that have been banned, challenged, or prohibited in the 21st century. 10 You: An Introduction Sex education is a very controversial topic, with staunch supporters on either side of the argument. Traditionally, religious organizations have been on the conservative side, promoting ideas like abstinence-only education with a focus on monogamous, heterosexual relationships....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1637 words · Evelyn Campbell

10 Brilliant Italian Giallo Films

This is where the genre really started. Bava adapted the Italian Giallo mystery novels into this story of an American tourist in Italy who witnesses a murder and takes it upon herself to investigate. This set the standard for the Giallo set up, and though it’s not very gory, it’s an entertaining film and a good introduction to the genre. If you enjoy this one, then you should take a look at the next step Bava took toward defining the giallo with “Blood and Black Lace....

February 8, 2023 · 5 min · 964 words · Travis Shannon

10 Comically Embarrassing Results Of Computer Bugs

10The First National Bank Of Chicago Error Imagine being a typical employee of the local gas company, checking the balance on your bank account, and finding that you now have over $900 million. That’s what happened to Sylvester Dorsey in May 1996, along with 825 other customers of the First National Bank of Chicago. “I showed the receipt to a friend and we just started screaming,” said Dorsey. Jeff Ferrera, another lucky bank customer, said, “It was just unique being called a billionaire for a day....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1742 words · Louie Paquette

10 Common English Language Errors

Practice / Practise In US English, practice is used as either a verb (doing word), or noun (naming word). Hence, a doctor has a practice, and a person practices the violin. In UK english, practice is a noun, and practise is a verb. A doctor has a practice, but his daughter practises the piano. Bought / Brought Bought relates to buying something. Brought relates to bringing something. For example, I bought a bottle of wine which had been brought over from France....

February 8, 2023 · 6 min · 1113 words · Jeremy Everhart

10 Common Things You Get Wrong About War Thanks To Hollywood

See Also: Top 10 Awesome Films Hollywood Ruined With Lies While we agree that fiction requires some suspension of disbelief to be enjoyable, that applies to genres like science fiction and horror. Misrepresenting serious subjects like war on the big screen comes with its fair share of drawbacks. Most of us grow up with a glorified idea of what war is really like, as movie writers are busy writing about dual-wielding guns rather than the stench of poop in the aftermath of a typical battle....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1530 words · Jerry Burgo

10 Courageous People Who Stood Up To Violent Mobs

10 Keshia Thomas June 1996 saw two competing rallies in Ann Arbor, Michigan. One was a Ku Klux Klan rally. The other was a counter-protest, and it dwarfed that Klan rally so much that police in riot gear guarded the Klansmen. The two sides didn’t clash. But then the larger group noticed that one middle-aged man among them sported an SS tattoo and a Confederate flag T-shirt. The protesters assumed he was a white supremacist or a Klansman himself....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1544 words · Jillian Gonzalez

10 Crazy Theories And Conspiracies Regarding Mars

10 Is Phobos Really A Space Station? When the European Space Agency stated that one of Mars’s moons, Phobos, appeared to be hollow, it mirrored the findings of Russian astrophysicist Dr. Iosif Shklovsky from the late 1960s. Not only did Shklovsky believe that Phobos was hollow, but taking its unusual and uneven orbit into account, he believed there was a real possibility that it was artificial. Over the years, many ufologists, alien enthusiasts, and even ancient astronaut theorists have latched on to Shklovsky’s findings....

February 8, 2023 · 11 min · 2305 words · Donald Wechsler

10 Creepy Stories Involving Hitchhiking

Unfortunately, creepy tales like these are the reason people are now more aware of the dangers of hitchhiking. These stories wound up ending in tragic murders, mysterious disappearances, and even brushes with the supernatural. 10The Orange Sock Murders It takes a very brazen killer to abduct and murder two separate women at two separate locations at two separate times on the same night, but that’s exactly what happened in 1982 near the town of Breckenridge, Colorado....

February 8, 2023 · 14 min · 2859 words · Margaret Patel

10 Creepypastas About Home Invasion

Some go the more realistic route and rely on human predators. Others prey on your irrational fears by presenting a supernatural being that wants to get you. 10 ‘Lightning’ To this day, Al Apanamo is a prolific writer of horror stories for the Internet, but this story remains his biggest hit. A father tells about the events that began on the night of a severe thunderstorm, the first one his son ever experienced at that age....

February 8, 2023 · 13 min · 2634 words · Randall Harder

10 Criminal Writers With Real Skeletons In Their Closets

However, some people’s backgrounds are more colorful than others. And for those with secrets in their past, writing from experience can prove difficult and sometimes even dangerous. Here, we take a look at 10 authors who really wrote from experience. 10 Liu Yongbiao The Chinese crime writer Liu Yongbiao had already penned a number of crime novels when he wrote the introduction for his book The Guilty Secret. In it, he talked about his forthcoming novel, The Beautiful Writer Who Killed, which featured, as advertised, a good-looking writer who gets away with murder....

February 8, 2023 · 12 min · 2393 words · Otis Martin

10 Dark Secrets Of The Russian Empire

10The Wild East Not too long after Columbus discovered America, the Russians began colonizing Siberia. The initial expansion was driven by merchants like the powerful Stroganov family, who were hungry for priceless furs. Their agents were Cossack mercenaries who expanded Russian power with extraordinary cruelty. When the Sakha chief Dzhenik revolted, he was skinned alive and then his baby son was suffocated with the skin. The Aleut Islanders attacked tax collectors in 1764, so the Russians burned 18 villages and massacred hundreds....

February 8, 2023 · 7 min · 1440 words · Maureen Carey

10 Dark Secrets That Expose The Truth About Hollywood

There’s more to Hollywood than money, fame, red carpet appearances, and millions of adoring fans. There’s also staggering shallowness, abuse, heartbreak, and more than a little crime. Here are ten dark secrets and horrifying tales that blow the lid off of the entertainment industry. 10 Paparazzi-For-Hire If you look at a picture in a tabloid or on a gossip website, and it looks like the celebrity is posing in a staged photo, they probably are....

February 8, 2023 · 10 min · 1943 words · Ron Bennett

10 Dinosaurs We Ve Only Recently Discovered

10Sauroniops Pachytholus You know what’s even better than The Lord of the Rings and dinosaurs? The combination of the two. In 2012, paleontologists discovered a carnivorous dinosaur the size of a T. rex. They then based its scientific name on one of the most iconic villains in literature history: the dark lord Sauron. You may wonder why paleontologists decided to name a dinosaur that hunted through North Africa after a dark sorcerer....

February 8, 2023 · 8 min · 1610 words · Alexandra Hatfield

10 Dirty And Disturbing Political Campaign Ads

10The Danish Parliament’s Voting Superhero To attract young voters in the May 2014 European Parliament elections, the Folketinget (Danish parliament) created a cartoon featuring a muscle-bound bruiser named Voteman who used force to get people to vote. The ad heavily featured sex and gore, including scenes of Voteman having an orgy with several women and then violently shoving and punching people into polling booths. The ad also featured Voteman’s backstory: As a young man, he regretted that he forgot to vote and vowed that he would not let others repeat his mistake....

February 8, 2023 · 7 min · 1292 words · Billie Elder

10 Disturbing Facts About The Meanest Man In America

Born and raised in rural South Carolina, Gaskins was a troubled youth who became a hopeless thief and bully. Ultimately, while still in his teens, Gaskins graduated to rape and murder. Between 1969 and 1981, the diminutive murderer killed nine known victims but may have killed many, many more. 10 Horrible Childhood Like many serial killers, “Pee Wee” Gaskins was raised in an unstable home. He was born on March 13, 1933, in Florence County, South Carolina....

February 8, 2023 · 9 min · 1804 words · Melissa Forbes

10 Disturbing Facts About The Armenian Genocide

10The Three Pashas Led the Ottoman Empire into War and Enacted the Genocide The Three Pashas is the collective name given to Talât Pasha, Grand Vizier (the equivalent of Prime Minister); Enver Pasha, Minister of War; and Djemal Pasha, Minister of the Navy; during World War I. Talât Pasha’s hatred towards Armenians was longstanding. In his memoirs, Danish philologist Johannes Østrup contends that Talât shared his intent for the complete annihilation of Armenians with him as early as 1910....

February 8, 2023 · 10 min · 1973 words · Paul Webber

10 Disturbing Facts You Didn T Know About Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy

The term “Munchausen syndrome by proxy” was first used in 1977 by a doctor named Roy Meadow who suspected a patient’s mother of poisoning the boy with salt. Many people simply consider this condition to be child abuse in a clinical setting. MSBP was named after Baron Munchausen, a fictional character somewhat based on the real-life Karl Friedrich von Munchhausen who lived in the 18th century and was a renowned storyteller....

February 8, 2023 · 7 min · 1480 words · Amy Jackson