Top 10 Little Known Facts About Terror

Top 10 Fascinating Facts About Fear 10 Magical Terror in the New Testament There were many cases of Conversion Disorder in and after World War One. Essentially, the body converted mental terror into bodily harm. Soldiers suffering from shell shock (PTSD) would become mute or deaf without any obvious medical cause. Further back, in Puritan New England, terror of supposed witches caused paralysis of limbs or even temporary stoppage of urine....

February 10, 2023 · 11 min · 2168 words · Norma Macon

Top 10 Mammals With Odd Defenses

Everyone knows that “playing possum” means playing dead. The American opossum (Didelphis virginianus), found from Canada to Costa Rica, usually reacts to danger as many other mammals do; by hissing, growling and baring its teeth. It can also bite viciously if pushed too far. However, if this all fails and the situation becomes too dangerous, plan B is to feign death; the opossum collapses to the ground, drools as if it was very ill, and then remains motionless, with its mouth open and its teeth bared....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1841 words · Ryan Spease

Top 10 Men Who Were Really Women

Teena Brandon was born in 1972 in Lincoln, Nebraska. As a child she was regarded as a tomboy and everyone called her Brandon. After being sexually abused by a male relative, she moved to Richardson County, Nebraska and began to live entirely as a male. She became friends with two ex convicts John Lotter and Marvin “Tom” Nissen. She also began dating a woman (Lana Tisdel). None of her friends knew she was female....

February 10, 2023 · 10 min · 2039 words · Johnny Ketchie

Top 10 Mind Blowing Facts About Majestic Mountains

Top 10 Fantasy Places That Would Suck In Real Life 10 Beach on Table Mountain Legend has it that when a thick band of mist or cloud settles over Table Mountain in Cape Town, Jan van Hunks is furiously puffing away at his pipe on nearby Devil’s Peak, trying to out-smoke the devil himself. Table Mountain, named for its distinctive flat top, is believed to be around 360 million years old and formed after the continents split apart and pressures built up in the earth’s crust....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1815 words · William Correa

Top 10 People Robbed Of The Nobel Prize

Irena Sendler was a Polish Catholic who died in 2008. From 1939 to 1945, she personally saved the lives of 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto. She forged identification papers, passports, sheltered them in children’s homes throughout Warsaw. The Gestapo caught her in 1943 and severely tortured her for the location of the Jews she had extricated from the Ghetto. She refused to give them up. She was sentenced to death and saved by a bribe to the Nazi officer in charge, who simply left her in deep in a forest with all four limbs broken....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1707 words · William Hastings

Top 10 Period Films Set In The 1800S

10 In Secret (2013)From $9.99 Starring: Elizabeth Olsen, Jessica Lange Director: Charlie Stratton In Secret is a tragic love story with shades of Romeo and Juliet, the tale of a sexually repressed young woman trapped in a loveless marriage by her controlling aunt. She is drawn into an affair with inevitably tragic consequences, and if the plot sounds well-worn, it may help to know that it is anchored by two of the finest actresses working today....

February 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1515 words · Derek Storey

Top 10 Places Creepier Than Stephen King S Maine

However, there are several places around the world that would give King’s creations a run for their money. On this list are just a few of them. Top 10 Modern Horror Novels More Terrifying Than A Stephen King Book 10 Terror in O’ahu O’ahu is the third-largest Hawaiian island and is home to around a million people. Here you will find Waikiki and Pearl Harbor as well as Lanikai Beach which is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world....

February 10, 2023 · 10 min · 1963 words · Mary Mazzone

Top 10 Prophecies You Don T Know

Irlmaier was a simple German man who, in the 1950s, made predictions of a third world war. This is a small sampling of what he claimed the third world war would look like: “Everything calls peace. Shalom! Then it will occur — a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean — the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a ‘large one’ falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him –then impact is on impact....

February 10, 2023 · 12 min · 2521 words · Marsha Lopez

Top 10 Recently Uncovered Archaeological Mysteries

10The King’s Necklace In southern Belize, excavations at Nim Li Punit found a jade artifact. The 2015 find turned out to be an exceptionally rare and out-of-place pendant. Measuring 7.4 inches wide and 4.1 inches long (18.8 cm x 10.4 cm), the necklace was T-shaped and curiously, was discovered inside a platform with the same form. Thirty hieroglyphs describe its purpose and owner, making it the only pendant discovered with a historical account....

February 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1691 words · Joseph Luer

Top 10 Ridiculous Fast Food Menu Items

Fast food misfires come in many forms. Mindless mashups, ill-conceived holiday homages and irreconcilable departures from a restaurant’s primary offerings are just a few of the ways fast food chains around the world have embarrassed themselves and disgusted their customers. Here are ten of the most ridiculous culinary concoctions in fast food history. Bon appetit. 10 Bizarre Foreign Versions Of American Fast Food 10 The Double Down Sandwich (KFC) This winter, mired in the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the people of Italy received a true treat from the US military: assistance with vaccine procurement and distribution....

February 10, 2023 · 11 min · 2235 words · Kenneth Waterfall

Top 10 Secret Languages

10 Polari Polari started off as a means of communication among British sailors in the 19th century but became the unofficial language of British gays between the 1930s and 1960s, when being gay was illegal in Britain. Polari allowed gays to secretly talk with themselves and strike conversations with strangers they felt were gay. If the stranger replied, they knew he was game, but if he did not, they continued minding their business—all without giving a clue to their sexuality....

February 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1648 words · John Britton

Top 10 Signs Trigger Warnings Have Gone Too Far

When Disney movies, centuries-old art and even the Muppets are too controversial to be presented without disclaimers, it’s time to seriously reassess whether we’re being a bit hypersensitive. Here are ten signs that trigger warnings have shot past reasonable into the realm of the ridiculous. 10 Ways Young Generations Are Better Than Their Parents 10 Those Racist Muppets The streaming service Disney+ recently began carrying Jim Henson’s original “The Muppet Show....

February 10, 2023 · 12 min · 2404 words · Tony Winters

Top 10 Skull Hoaxes

This skull was apparently found in Mexico around 1930 but only showed to the public by Lord Pye in 1999. It was claimed to either be the skull of an alien infant or an alien-human hybrid. Although the damaged lower skull was child-like, the upper cranium was huge, being 1600mL, over 400mL larger than would be expected based on the lower skull. Pye claimed that radiocarbon dating had proved it was 900 years old and that anonymous scientists had confirmed it to be the skull of an alien....

February 10, 2023 · 7 min · 1420 words · Quincy Santana

Top 10 Suicidal Writers

What precise facet of mental illness lends certain minds their ingenious spark will probably forever be open to conjecture. We do know that the pain involved often leads these people to the ultimate act of self destruction. Below follows a list of ten famous authors who either committed or attempted suicide. The author of such rugged tales as The Call of the Wild and White Fang, Jack London was a strange, fierce man of socialist ideals....

February 10, 2023 · 6 min · 1188 words · Patrica Bowers

Top 10 Superheroes Who Struggle With Mental Health

All the awesomeness in the world can’t prevent some superheroes from struggling with more “human” issues such as depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. Here are 10 of your favorite heroes who battle “evil” as well as their even darker inner demons. Warning: Possible spoilers ahead! 10 Of The Creepiest Things Superheroes Have Done 10 Iron Man Iron Man 3 opens with Tony Stark narrating: “A famous man once said, ‘We create our own demons....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1834 words · Kelly Bosley

Top 10 Theoretical Megastructures

A space elevator is a proposed structure designed to transport material from a celestial body’s surface into space. Many variants have been proposed, all of which involve traveling along a fixed structure instead of using rocket powered space launch. The concept most often refers to a structure that reaches from the surface of the Earth on or near the Equator to geostationary orbit (GSO) and a counter-mass beyond. Current materials technology does not permit these kinds of structures to be practical, although advanced carbon nanotubes could, in principle, have the strength necessary to permit this....

February 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1539 words · Sarah Morgan

Top 10 Tools Of The Flow Arts

Every single time you spin, you will be better than the last, and that moment when you have been trying a trick for a while and then suddenly get it right for the first time is indescribable. It builds pathways in the brain and is amazing meditation, not to mention how addictive it is to hear the fire whooshing around your body. Regardless of how amazing it might sound, I would not advise anyone to spin or play with fire unless you have had some practice, and even then you should take care to protect your body and hair, and remember not to wear any plastic based clothes when spinning as it will result in severe burns....

February 10, 2023 · 7 min · 1401 words · Susan Sinclair

Top 10 Tv Shows That Predicted The Future And Got It Right

Most of these endeavours fail. The keyword here is “most.” Every now and then, a correct prediction is made, usually as a joke that turns into a serious affair. It’s almost enough to make you think the universe must be aware and have a wicked sense of humor. Several incidents on the following list will definitely make you consider the possibility! 10 Book Predictions That Really Came True 10The Simpsons—3 Eyed Mutant Fish It’s no surprise that having been around for over 30 years, The Simpsons has made its fair share of predictions, and most are flat-out wrong....

February 10, 2023 · 8 min · 1698 words · Christine Ortiz

Top 10 Underappreciated Directorial Debuts You Need To See

These 10 films are a mix of both. Although these directors might not have been at the peak of their talents, their early movies still stack up among their best work. The following films affirm the adage: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. 15 Great Movies From Directors Under 30 10 Bad Taste (1987) Director: Peter Jackson With The Lord of the Rings franchise, Peter Jackson is a modern master of fantasy....

February 10, 2023 · 9 min · 1915 words · Mary Baxter

Top 10 Unsolved Internet Mysteries

Over the years, the internet has stumped users with many puzzles, enigmas, and anomalies. Many, such as the mystery behind “Webdriver Torso,” have been uncovered. Here though, we’ll be exploring ten mysteries from the internet that all remain unsolved, from trivial but intriguing puzzles to mass cyber-hacking operations. 10 Publius Enigma Beginning in June 1994, Publius Enigma may have been one of the first internet puzzles ever to take fruition....

February 10, 2023 · 10 min · 2017 words · Sean Tate