Top 10 Criminal Cases Solved By Tv Appearances

Of course, reality is sometimes crazier than fiction. Many criminals, either extremely comfortable with their abilities to evade capture or extremely stupid, have boldly appeared on TV shows after seeming to get away with their crimes. 10 Serial Shoplifter Caught After Appearing On TV Show Come Dine With Me At first glance, Sophie Hunter-Brown may seem like an unassuming criminal. An attractive, young, primary school teacher who specializes in information and communication technology, she was often praised as a favorite with her pupils....

February 11, 2023 · 15 min · 3020 words · Bruce Tomita

Top 10 Cryptids Easily Explained By Real Animals

Many of these sightings of alleged beings that range from incredibly widespread to shockingly obscure have very real animals and stories behind them, ones inflated by exaggerations or simply outside circumstances that made them look more mythical than they actually are, scarier in the dark or simply coloured by the human imagination. 10 Real-Life Explanations For Famous Myths And Cryptids 10 Bigfoot – Bears Bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti, many different names for one very similar being; a large, hairy primate with, yes, big feet and an allegedly elusive and intelligent nature, certainly one of the most famous – or infamous, depending on who you’re asking – cryptids ever, with possibly the most prominence in pop-culture or simply American culture itself, other than UFO-s....

February 11, 2023 · 9 min · 1904 words · John Owens

Top 10 Cute Animals With Disgusting Toilet Habits

Don’t be fooled. Off the public stage, some of the cutest animals you know have habits worse than your college roommate. People have been known to use some strange ingredients in perfumes and colognes, but goat urine isn’t one of them. Mr. Billy Goat Gruff, however, begs to differ on the subject of how sexy his pee smells. In C. Dwyer’s hints on Sheep and Goat Behavior, published by the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, you can learn how they will spray themselves lavishly over their faces, stomachs and forelegs prior to mating....

February 11, 2023 · 8 min · 1584 words · Jeffrey Taliaferro

Top 10 Dark Stories About The River Thames

The river is well-known all over the globe and has somewhat of a reputation. It was originally called Tamesis, which is largely believed to mean “dark one.” There can be no doubt that its murky waters harbor all sorts of intriguing stories, and well, some of them are grimmer and uglier than others. Have a look at ten dark stories the River Thames has to tell. 10 Suicides on the Thames Suicide is a worldwide issue and a stark reality of The River Thames....

February 11, 2023 · 9 min · 1862 words · Walter Lado

Top 10 Disturbingly Practical Nuclear Weapons

In the years since the bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, scientists and engineers have continued to improve their designs. The results are both fascinating and horrifying. These 10 nukes were designed, created, or both by various militaries, and with any luck, they’ll never see the light of day. Top 10 Near Misses With Nuclear Weapons 10 W54 Man-Portable Rocket-Launched Nuclear Weapon When nuclear weapons were invented, they were large, bulky objects with relatively low yields....

February 11, 2023 · 10 min · 2047 words · Barbara Whalen

Top 10 Everyday Things Banned In Saudi Arabia

Banned: Selling or wearing anything red on Valentine’s Day Every February 14th entails the same procedure; flower shops and gift shops are prohibited from selling red roses, anything heart-shaped or red for that matter on that day by the “Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice” (CPVPV) otherwise known as the Religious Police. The penalty for violating that rule would lead to the store being shut down....

February 11, 2023 · 6 min · 1264 words · Mark Mcgonigle

Top 10 Exhilarating Activities

Trekking to Everest’s South Base Camp in Nepal is the adventure of a lifetime. Start at Kathmandu before making your way to Lukla and up the Khumbu Valley towards the South Base Camp. In addition to breathtaking snow-capped mountain ranges, you’ll take in the Khumbu Icefall, Sherpa villages, the Namche Bazaar, and a number of Buddhist monasteries on route. The world’s longest man-made structure stretches over 6,300 miles (10,139 kilometers) from Shanhaiguan in the east to Lop Nur in the west....

February 11, 2023 · 3 min · 554 words · Vincent Thomas

Top 10 Famous People Who Got Away With Murder Maybe

Top 10 Murders Caused By TV Shows 10 Kirk Douglas Briefly in the 1950 movie Young Man with a Horn, Jean Spangler cameos as an extra. It was the last time anybody ever saw her. On October 7, 1949, Spangler vanished. Her body has never been recovered.[1] The only clue connected to the disappearance is a tattered purse. Inside read a note, “Can’t wait any longer. Going to see Dr....

February 11, 2023 · 11 min · 2255 words · Johnny Gonzales

Top 10 Firsts From The World Of Hybrids

When hybrids are created by scientists, novelty is not a factor. Hybrids can save critically endangered species and cure human disease. Nature is all about oddball mixes. When exotic pets are released into the wild or rare creatures cannot find their own mates, the drive to pass on genes is often strong enough to cross the species barrier. 10 The Wholpin When researchers worked around the Hawaiian island of Kauai, they noticed something odd....

February 11, 2023 · 9 min · 1741 words · Renee Obrecht

Top 10 Fruits That Have Drastically Changed

10 Fruits, Nuts, And Vegetables You Did Not Know Were Man-Made 10 Banana Many have wondered why banana flavoured candy does not taste at all similar to an actual standard banana: it is instead far more flavourful and sweeter. The taste difference is due to the fact that bananas in the early 20th century were rather different to the ones that we have today. The modern common banana that can be found in most stores today is a breed known as Cavendish, which rose to prominence after the Panama disease came and its fungus wiped out the then-popular Gros Michel banana....

February 11, 2023 · 8 min · 1533 words · Michelle Weeks

Top 10 Horrific Facts About The Blackout Ripper

Given the sheer volume of the bloodletting, history can be forgiven for overlooking a series of murders that occurred in London in February 1942. Even though the brutal attacks occurred during the Blitz, the citizens of London certainly paid attention to the ghastly crimes, as each new murder made the news. Most shocking of all, when the exhausted and overstretched London police made an arrest, the murderer was found to be an average and patriotic serviceman with a black and well-hidden heart....

February 11, 2023 · 11 min · 2207 words · Leland Millick

Top 10 Incredible Food Facts

Coffee The Fact: The most expensive coffee in the world comes from civet poop Kopi Luwak are coffee beans that come from Civet (a cat sized mammal) poo. The animals gorge on only the finest ripe berries, and excrete the partially-digested beans, which are then harvested for sale. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for between $120 and $600 USD per pound, and is sold mainly in Japan and the United States, but it is increasingly becoming available elsewhere....

February 11, 2023 · 3 min · 601 words · Michael Gordon

Top 10 Inmates Who Escaped From Prison Multiple Times

10Pascal Payet Pascal Payet, a French criminal convicted of murder, was well known for escaping prison Hollywood style—using a helicopter.[1] In 2001, Payet escaped for the first time when he arranged for a helicopter to land on the prison roof and lift him to freedom. Two years later, while still on the run, he flew a hijacked chopper back to the prison to break out three of his friends. All four were captured three weeks later....

February 11, 2023 · 9 min · 1727 words · Danny Odell

Top 10 Insane Moments When Animals Robbed People

Some primates run a genuine extortion business, a thieving cat raised funds for other cats, and an octopus took to photography after robbing a diver. 10 Criminal Critters Who Tangled With The Law 10 A Fishing Boy Was Almost Shark-Slapped In 2019, a family booked a boat trip near Cape Cod. They spent the day fishing, and at one point, somebody caught a bass. Another passenger filmed the seemingly mundane moment that saw the fish being reeled in....

February 11, 2023 · 8 min · 1680 words · Lesia Lalonde

Top 10 Interesting Facts About The International Space Station

Since then, other countries, including Russia, have added their own modules, and the station continued to grow. Today, the International Space Station is a 460-ton facility about the size of a football field.[1] Here are ten interesting facts you did not know about it. 10 It’s Actually Falling Unlike what many of us think, there is gravity in space. The International Space Station is between 200 and 250 miles above the Earth, where gravity is about 90 percent as strong as on Earth....

February 11, 2023 · 9 min · 1835 words · Melissa Eisinger

Top 10 Interesting Jack The Ripper Suspects

Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, was named as a suspect based upon anagrams which author Richard Wallace devised for his book Jack the Ripper, Light-Hearted Friend. This claim is not generally taken seriously by other scholars. Wallace posited that Carroll was assisted in the crimes by his friend Thomas Vere Bayne. This theory was based primarily on a number of anagrams derived from passages in two of Carroll’s works, The Nursery Alice, an adaptation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland for younger readers, and from the first volume of Sylvie and Bruno....

February 11, 2023 · 8 min · 1592 words · Faith Arvelo

Top 10 Most Controversial Religious Movies

The exorcist is really one of the best horror films ever made – it continues to scare and enthrall new viewers to this day. But at the time of release, while many saw great merit in the movie, others were not so happy. Some critical responses were: “a chunk of elegant occultist claptrap” “[A] practically impossible film to sit through” “it establishes a new low for grotesque special effects…”, “The Exorcist succeeds on one level as an effectively excruciating entertainment, but on another, deeper level it is a thoroughly evil film, and [N]othing more than a religious porn film”....

February 11, 2023 · 7 min · 1432 words · Greg Sandridge

Top 10 Most Evil Humans

LaLaurie was a sadistic socialite who lived in New Orleans. Her home was a chamber of horrors. On April 10, 1834, a fire broke out in the mansion’s kitchen, and firefighters found two slaves chained to the stove. They appeared to have started the fire themselves, in order to attract attention. The firefighters were lead by other slaves to the attic, where the real surprise was. Over a dozen disfigured and maimed slaves were manacled to the walls or floors....

February 11, 2023 · 8 min · 1559 words · Shannon Good

Top 10 Most Influential Scientists

“One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.” Polish physicist and chemist Marie Curie was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the only person honored with Nobel Prizes in two different sciences, and the first female professor at the University of Paris. She founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw. Her husband Pierre Curie was also a Nobel laureate, as were her daughter Irene Joliot-Curie and son-in-law Frederic Joliot-Curie....

February 11, 2023 · 10 min · 2067 words · Juanita Broadwater

Top 10 Quirky And Rare Facts About Martian Geology

The Red Planet’s geology is not fully understood, and the bits known by researchers include deadly phenomena capable of crushing the dream of human settlements. Apart from highlighting the harsh landscape, this mind-blowing world comes with epic geological mysteries and unique finds. 10 The Strange Cloud In 2018, the Mars Express orbiter sailed past the Martian equator. Among the images beamed back was the odd photo of a cloud. The white streak stood out starkly against the red world and measured 1,500 kilometers (930 mi) long....

February 11, 2023 · 9 min · 1756 words · Amanda Weller